Welcome to the pre-registrations and official registrations page!
In case you are now applying for the grant or waiting results, we kindly ask you to pre-regsiter so we would have an idea of the number of people interested.
To officially register at the course please fill in the official registration form next to the course below!
IMPORTANT! Make sure to include in the registration your school's or organization's VAT (Value Added Tax) number. You can check if your school or organization is registered on VIES on this link (if your organization doesn't have VAT - please write Number/Business ID/fiscal code or number of your organization) in order not to be charged VAT.
Neuroeducation And Coaching
Interdisciplinary Approach To Teaching Through Literature
Professional Orientation In Education
Drama In Education: A Holistic Approach To Teaching With Drama Techniques
Boal's Methodology In Education
Puppets And Masks In Education
Game Based Learning And Gamification
Teachers’ Toolkit for the 21st Century Skills: Hands-on Approach
From Zero To Hero – From Creation To Presentation - A Devised And Collective Approach To Theatre
From Zero To Hero – From Narration To Presentation – Written Work Based Approach To Theatre
E-Learning Assessment / Benchmarking
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence in Education
Driven By Innovation – ICT And Artificial Intelligence Tools For Teachers
Green Pedagogy: Environmental And Outdoor Education
Creative Methods In Special Needs Education
International Collaboration And Project Management Course
Integrative And Interactive Approaches To Teaching Through Art
21st Century Approach To Adult Education
Interactive English Methodology
Technology And Media In Education
Website That Tells A Story: A Project Website Setup Course
Integration and Multiculturality
Inclusion - CLIL show me the way, gently
Inclusion : CLIL-moi le chemin, doucement (FR)
Teaching a Foreign Language: Powerful Mental Tools for your Students
Flipped Learning for Inclusive Teaching
Inclusive Classroom - Innovative Teaching Methods To Reach Every SEN Student
Cybersecurity in Education